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Lotto (French “loto”, coming from the Italian word “lotto”) is a popular gambling game with a long history, which uses special cards with rows of numbers. Here, winning depends entirely on luck. But some players argue that by giving too many cards to one player, it is possible to influence the final result, as the probability of error increases.

The lotto rules are incredibly straightforward, which explains its success. You can learn the basic principles of this fun activity in a couple of minutes. Even beginners benefit from taking a no deposit casino bonus to enjoy this game for free.

History of the game


Initially, the lotto was played for money back in the 16th century in Genoa. Then it became popular throughout Italy. But in 1521, the government of the Venetian Republic banned this entertainment to their citizens for the first time. However, the ban could not preserve the spread of the game, and it migrated to France. The French like to have fun on the weekends by way of playing “loto” even nowadays.
Today, the lotto is recognized as a game of chance, but, interestingly, in the former USSR, this game was viewed as exclusively entertaining and even a brain-building game. Lotto was given pretty much the same status as, for example, chess. It is easy to understand the logic behind this argument because this game helps to develop memory and ingenuity. But the real question that we should be asking, then, is why is lotto considered a game that aids brain development and the card games aren’t? After all, it requires a lot of work and thinking.

The rules of wooden kegs lotto


Let’s look t the principles of the most popular and well-known type of lotto game. For one game, you need:

  • 90 barrels with numbers;
  • A bag or box for barrels;
  • Cardboards with numbers;
  • Chips that cover the digits on the piece of card.

Lotto is the kind of game that can be played either for money or for fun. If the number of the keg chosen by the leader is the same as the number on the player’s card, the latter reports this in order to cover the digits with a special token. If one row on the card is completely covered, the participant needs to inform the host about this.

There are three types of the game of lotto. Although they all assume similar principles, there are slight differences:

  1. in a regular lotto, the winner is the one who closes all the digits on the piece of card. Usually, in this game variety, each player has three pieces of card.
  2. turbo lotto. In this variety of a game, the goal is to close the numbers in one line. In this version, each player is given only one card;
  3. three by three. Here you also need to fill in the numbers in one row, but it is the location of this row that is important. If the participant of the drawing has filled in the row on the top, the others increase their rates. If the middle row is filled, the player receives half of the pot. The player who ticks off all the numbers in the third line becomes the winner.

Three by three lotto rules have unequal conditions for the players. Each individual player can have a different number of cards with digits. Generally, the number of cards a participant has depends directly on how much money they are willing to invest in one game.

There may be some other variations of the keg lotto game, but we have listed the most popular ones.

If you don’t like lotto-type entertainment, where everything depends solely on luck, we would advise you to try your skills and play bitcoin poker.

Rules of lotto or bingo in America

In the USA, the favourite lotto of the population has a different name. Here, the numbers were initially closed with beans, and so the American version of the game is called bingo. Today, this entertainment is especially popular in American casinos.

The basic principle of bingo is to fill the cards with randomly chosen numbers. The winner is the participant whose card is covered with numbers completely. To announce their victory, the player exclaims, “Bingo!”. Popular television lotteries are based on this principle of playing bingo.

This type of lotto is loved by the people in English-speaking countries. And although bingo is a gambling game, it pretty much was not banned, which repeatedly happened with slots and card games. Interestingly, bingo parties are a popular pastime in some foreign churches. In this case, the money from the pot goes to charity.

Basic lotto or bingo rules in the USA:

  • each participant receives cards with a set of numbers;
  • with the help of a lottery drum or in some other way, a ball with a number on it is selected;
  • if there is the same number on the ball and on the card, the player crosses it out (usually);
  • the participant must close a certain part of the cardboard or all the numbers at once.

Once the main goal is achieved, the winner shouts “Bingo!” and gets their winnings. If it so happens that several participants tick off the desired figures at once, the bank is divided between them.

There are several varieties of bingo. The main ones are the American and British versions. The first uses 90 balls, and the second uses 75. Both varieties have practically no difference from lotto games. But in bingo, they use a lottery drum with balls, and in lotto – a bag and kegs.

Different variants of bingo are available online. Look at the rating of the casinos to choose the best one for yourself.

Lottery Rules

All popular TV lotteries are based on the principle of playing lotto or bingo. To take part in this game, the spectator must buy a lottery ticket and wait for the draw to be broadcasted. Here, using the lottery drum, numbers are selected in random order. If the number drawn is the same as the number on the player’s lottery ticket, the player crosses out the correct number. Sometimes there are special winning symbols on lottery tickets, which bring winning regardless of the number drawn.
When the lottery drum finishes its work, the players check the drawn number with the one that is crossed out on the ticket. If the participant has crossed out all the necessary numbers on their ticket, they receive a win. But in lotteries like this, there are more than one thousand participants, which does significantly reduce the chances of winning.

Interesting facts about lotto


– In 2000, a guy called Larry from the state of Illinois (USA) was extremely lucky and won $363 million in the lottery. The lucky one said that he was not fond of the lottery at all. Larry wanted to eat a $2 hot dog. He only had $100, and the salesman refused to change $100 for one hot dog. The man was indignant but then figured out how to resolve the situation and bought 98 lottery tickets.
– 2007 record: Two hundred and fifty-four million dollars was won in the lottery by an 84-year-old resident of Missouri, a World War II veteran. He wanted to give this money to his family. He has 2 sons who are already over 50, and they do not work anywhere.
-There was only one time in known history when the same individual won a big amount of money in the lottery twice. This is a 26-year-old resident of Turin, who won a million dollars in the lottery, and, a few years later, having bought a lucky ticket, won another 1 million euros.

Lotto is entertainment with straightforward rules that can be remembered in one minute. This is the reason for the popularity of this game, which is played not only in land-based and online casinos but also among friends, relatives and even colleagues. If there is no opportunity to have fun playing with friends, you can always choose one of the online casinos with your favourite lotto or bingo.

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